How to step out of the prison of living in your head and feel alive in your body instead

How to practice body awareness and invite in self-love.

Maria Hubmann
2 min readJul 16, 2020
You can feel the sensations in your body antime.
Photo by Katii Bishop from Pexels

Don’t you also dislike those unreliable people who live moment to moment? I do.
And I want to be more like them.

They don’t worry about the future much, they do what they feel like doing in the moment — they live in the moment much more than we regular humans.
They enjoy the sunset at the spot because they know that five minutes later there’s no sunset any more.

Some joy you cannot postpone. The Carpe Diem of pleasure.

I am a sexuality and pleasure coach and I sometimes struggle with allowing myself to feel pleasure.
I know the power of presence and still catch myself drifting off in my head hunting thought after thought while completely forgetting to BE.

Through practice I’ve come to a place where I can quickly and easily drop into my body. I feel the sensations from my five senses and the aliveness inside my body. This is the fastest way to come back to the present moment and conscious awareness.

This is what I teach everyone who wants to learn how to stop being trapped in thinking. As a former scientist this used to be my superpower — living in my head.

So, what do I do?
I focus on the sensations in my body.

I put a hand on my skin and get curious about the quality of touch, the warmth, the gentle pressure. I turn my focus into my pussy and notice the sensations there — pulsation, contraction, bubbly feelings. I feel into my chest and notice my heart beating, expansion, pain.

What I’ve also learnt is that patience and loving acceptance of myself is key. I know how easily we switch into judgment mode and even think that we are improving our situation by keeping up the inner fight against ourselves.
No, no. No good. The more you push away the “wrong” thoughts, the more they push back. The cycle of frustration and making myself wrong starts again.

My wish for us, who struggle with living in the moment but long to do so, is to keep inviting acceptance and self-love into our thinking and being. It won’t make us weak, it makes us radiant.

Let me share a tool that helped me feel my body at a level I never thought possible. It works best combined with patience: my body meditation audio.

Much love,


Originally published at on July 16, 2020.



Maria Hubmann

Embodiment coach for scientists. Biologist. Maker of wearable art at Passionarta. I help scientists feel their bodies to feel calmly grounded.